
A Safe Space for Everyone

“The Safe Person Committee will aim to create a safe space for participants and combat sexual harassment, through the use of education, awareness, and maintaining a pool of Safe Persons to send to events.” One year has passed since the S.M.A.S.H project was founded by members with the aid of the Council of Europe. Now time is up for AEGEE… Read more →

United in strategy: The Strategy Committee

With 13000 AEGEEans and 13000 opinions, it can sometimes be difficult and chaotic to follow one strategy. A committee that likes to create order in the chaos is the newly established Strategy Committee. The supporting committee of both the Committee Director and the entire network is happy to introduce themselves to you in this interview.   Thank you, Evita, Freideriki and… Read more →

The green hero we didn’t know we needed: The Sustainability Committee

As Europe On Track edition 5 already stated, ‘Go green or go home’. An AEGEE committee that takes this opinion to heart is the newly established Sustainability Committee. Sustainability is and is going to be an important topic as our world is changing and facing enormous environmental, social and economical challenges. In this interview AEGEE’s new green engine introduces itself.… Read more →

Bigger, Better, Stronger… The Agora Mentorship is back!

Agora Mentorship, the aspiring project of the Human Resources Committee, which will be actively reintroduced during Agora Enschede, aims at making the members more aware of what is happening during the big Statutory Meeting. No more people with the “what the hell is going on” face and, hopefully, no more sleeping beauties as well. Each Agora, we see a lot of… Read more →