Tag Archive for CD on track

CD on Track On the Way Back: München, Stuttgart and Mannheim

Day 15 – 16 – 17– München, Stuttgart and Mannheim (1st – 3rd March)   As we tried to cover as many locals as possible, CD on Track continued with three completely different routes after EPM Zagreb, and my first stop was München after spending a day in Zvonimir’s hometown and enjoying his family’s great hospitality. Starting with a very early… Read more →

CD behind the Doors

Many people might know that the Comité Directeur, the executive Board of AEGEE-Europe (who is elected by the Agora) is based in Brussels near the European Commission, in a house that can be recognised mostly by the plaquette on the door. But how many of you have seen how the daily life goes for all the CD members? What do… Read more →