Tag Archive for Financial Rules

Audit Commission: A Members Group Which Likes Numbers and Money Very Much

In the AEGEE structure, you can find the Audit Commission, a two-member-group which checks AEGEE antennae’s accounting. Normally, it should have three members, but the two Commissioners elected during Autumn Agora Kyïv can count on some job shadowers. We spoke to Deborah Pistori, 26 years old, member of AEGEE-Cagliari since 2012, and Mateusz Muszalski, 23 years old, member of AEGEE-Krakòw… Read more →

Zaragora proposals and their effects

What about the proposals’ process? Do you know the final result, but not what happened in between? Is what was obtained exactly what the proposers wanted to? If you wondered about at least one of these things, then keep reading the interview. 1. Change of the Visitors’ selection procedure What actually changes with your proposal in the visitors’ selection process?… Read more →