Tag Archive for SU

SUmmer Story: Summertime Madness, Test Your UAdrenaline

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you “how to discover Ukraine the great way”, also known as “Summertime Madness: Test Your UAdrenaline” by AEGEE-Kyiv. Imagine a rollercoaster with space for thirty people, a vertiginous two-week ride through the best spots of this young country, driven by locals dedicated to enhance this experience in every possible way without a single minute… Read more →

SUmmer Story: the Mystery of Transylvanian (K)nights

On the other side of the forest -God knows which forest- lies the historically rich region of Transylvania. It is nestled cosily between the horseshoe-shaped Carpathians on the one side and the Apuseni Mountains on the other. This Summer, participants from all over Europe ventured there to uncover the mysteries of this amazing place.   The city of Cluj-Napoca is… Read more →

SUmmer Story: Every Lion Needs a Strong Pack

First SU, first report, first of many! If being in a foreign country (lovely Czech Republic) and meeting Aeggeans of all across Europe is not enough, developing ourselves and getting to know better AEGEE has been great. Before even arriving in Brno, our host city, we  already met some other participants and started to plan our trip with foreigners. A… Read more →