Tag Archive for twin antennae

AEGEE-Budapest and AEGEE-Utrecht Twin Antennae: Learning from each other

About one and a half year ago, AEGEE-Budapest went through a structural change, and the previous board wanted to gather as much information as they could to implement this change as smoothly as possible. Their board had eight positions previously, and they wanted to change that. They gathered information about other locals’ boards structure, one of them being AEGEE-Utrecht, a… Read more →

AEGEE-Aachenawa: Two Locals, Two Beary Mascots and One Twin Antennae Contract to Sign

In less than two months, the Autumn Agora in Cagliari takes place and all participants will have the chance to see how AEGEE-Aachen and AEGEE-Warszawa will become twin antennae. To find out more about this German-Polish friendship and the apparent love between their mascots, The AEGEEan spoke to Joanna Pankowska, president of AEGEE-Warszawa.  It all started as a classic twin… Read more →

Twin antennae Delft and Passau: “It’s always great to see our Delfties!”

At the Spring Agora in Patra, another three contracts were signed to become twin antennea. From now on, AEGEE-Utrecht and AEGEE-Budapest, AEGEE-Leon and AEGEE-Catania and AEGEE-Napoli and AEGEE-Lviv are heading forward to a great time. But what exactly are twin antennae? And what are the advantages of having a twin local? The AEGEEan spoke to AEGEE-Delft and AEGEE-Passau, who have… Read more →

Local of the month August – AEGEE-Peiraias

At EBM Izmir, remember The AEGEEan interviewing locals at the AEGEE Fair? First up were AEGEE-Beograd and AEGEE-Istanbul and for the second round Stephanie Müller, our editor-in-chief, interviewed AEGEE-León and AEGEE-Peiraias, as these antennae are twin antennae, they have been for quite a while, and are setting a good example of why the twin antenna program works. This month, one of… Read more →