AEGEE tagged posts

Education should be free for everyone.

Is free education a right or an option? Does it help students or not? Should governments invest the big amount of public money into university system or there are better alternatives?

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The European Democracy Project

Dear AEGEE-People,

Europe is facing complex and difficult problems. The euro crisis has unvealed that the European Union is suffering from severe democratic and institutional deficits that endangers the whole European project. Furthermore the prism scandal has shown that Europe needs strong institutions in order to defend or common values in the global arena.

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AEGEE should come back to regional structure of the network

Moderator’s remarks

During upcoming Spring Agora Rhein-Neckar 2013 Comité Directeur (abbreviation “CD”) will present one interesting and controversial proposal. Many new members of AEGEE are confused by the proposal, because they do not remember existence of regions that were abolished in 2006. Therefore, the purpose of this debate is to inform and educate the members in order to make good decision at Spring Agora by bringing arguments for and contra the proposal.

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