We were here…

A year in Comité Directeur, taking a break from real life for a while, this is exactly how it is. There is one simple sentence to explain all bunch of feelings we have been through; we were here. We lived, we loved, we felt, we cried, we laughed, we worked, oh we did work…

Exactly a year ago, we arrived to Brussels with motivation, idealism and enthusiasm in our luggage and we used them all to the end. There were times when we hit the bottom, sometimes all at once, sometimes alone. Yet, we stood strong to keep up your trust. And the moment we came together with some of you – let it be a Network Meeting or a training course- we were fueled with motivation again.

Together with this article we are leaving the year of our lives behind. Looking back to this year, we wouldn’t have changed a single detail – maybe the bathroom of the house though. Let us thank each and every one of you for the support and trust that you gave us.

Do support our successors even more, as without you we couldn’t have made it.

And came the bittersweet end…

We were here, somewhere in the AEGEE history.


Thank You,

Alma, Elena, Gizem, Guillermo, Jüri, Luis and Marko

Your Comité Directeur 2011-2012