Tag Archive for UNEP

AEGEE-Wien for the Environment: Model United Nations in Vienna on Environment and Sustainable Development

Kyoto, Rio 20+, Paris 2015; there have been so many efforts to reach a common international environmental agreement and so much frustration among experts and the general population about a fair outcome. This is also what David Meinel, former AEGEE Liaison Officer to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), thought in May 2015 when he was wondering how young people would… Read more →

Introducing AEGEE’s Liaison Officers

The external work of our association is as important as the internal one. Since the number of international organisation is very high, AEGEE-Europe has appointed some members, called Liaison Officers to maintain a link between AEGEE and the international organisations they work with. Currently AEGEE has six Liaison Officers, namely Diego Antončić, Liaison Officer towards the Committee of the Regions… Read more →