Comité Directeur

CD on Track – Crossing Europe by Train, Visiting all Your Locals!

AEGEE-Europe and the Comité Directeur (CD) are the seven members, elected by the Spring Agora, serving a one-year term living in Brussels, in the AEGEE house or “headoffice”, working as full-time volunteers on AEGEE matters. From financial administration to members lists, from project development to communication, from external relations and lobbying towards EU institutions, the CD is working on many… Read more →

ACTive Local of the Month of October AEGEE-Verona: “We are Very Small, but Very Strong!”

Last October, AEGEE-Verona organised the event entitled “Perchè l’Europa unita ieri e oggi?” (Eng. Why a united Europe, yesterday and today?), directly connected with Spreading Europtimism Focus Area (Objective 2). For this reason, they were chosen as the ACTive Local of the Month of October. We spoke with the former secretary Raffaello Corsini, and the ACT responsible Camelia Kajbaf, to… Read more →

German-Ukrainian Youth Exchange “If I Were in Your Shoes”

Every month, many antennae around the Network organise activities that are related to our Action Agenda and Strategic Plan. Some of these locals become ACTive Locals of the Month, but often there is more than one outstanding activity taking place. One of these activities is the project “If I were in your shoes” by AEGEE-Kyïv and AEGEE-Berlin, which took place… Read more →

Meet your ACTies 2016-2017

At the upcoming European Planning Meeting (EPM) in Zagreb, you will hear more from one of our committees, namely the one that is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Action Agenda and will be supporting the drafting of the new Action Agenda. Who are we talking about? The Action Agenda Coordination Committee, also known as ACT!   The Action… Read more →

ACTive Local of the Month of March AEGEE-Cagliari: “We Put Passion In Everything!”

Last March, AEGEE-Cagliari organised a seminar on entrepreneurship, giving students the necessary knowledge to start their own start-up. For this reason, they were chosen as the ACTive Local of the Month. We spoke to Francesca Zorcolo, President of the local, to find out more!   ACT: Congratulations! As we would like to get to know this month’s winner, could you tell us a bit… Read more →

ACTive Local of the Month of February AEGEE-Aachen: “Even Small Events Have Their Impact!”

In February, AEGEE-Aachen paid attention to a very actual topic by organising a discussion on Brexit, with interesting results. As a reward, they were chosen as the ACTive Local of the Month. We spoke to them to find out more! ACT: Congratulations! As we would like to know about this month’s winner, could you tell us a bit more about… Read more →