Patricia Anthony

Best Dressed Guy Award

Boys boys boys, our organisation is full of good looking boys and we at The AEGEEan had an idea to make a fun little “competition” out of it. We are in the full creation of The AEGEEans Choice Awards 2012, and since it is the first time that it is being organised we should probably explain a bit about how… Read more →

WDEE Success in Scandinavia

In the coming weeks you will all be voting for the AEGEE Award Best Project 2012 rewarding the most efficient project of 2011. So the question is who had the most effective project team last year? Over the next weeks, The AEGEEan will try to inspire you to choose a project team that, in your opinion, deserves the award.  … Read more →

Agora participants: Get ready to go to the AEGEE-Enschede hospital

Pyjama-parties, toga-parties, fighter-parties, western-parties: These are all themes that have been used in previous AEGEE parties but how exactly does organisers manage to create an interesting social programme and what work goes into the process? The AEGEEan has interviewed the secretary Tom Roelen from AEGEE-Enschede’s Social Programme Committee to find out how far along in the process they are of organising… Read more →