Tag Archive for La Nave

AEGEE-Zaragoza: “Everything Members Are Willing to Do is Valid, Everybody Can Propose Ideas!”

Lying in the middle of Aragon province, there is a city called Zaragoza. There, in 1998 AEGEE-Zaragoza was born, with a “long and a vibrant history” as the board said, having organised countless of events including two Agoras (2003 and 2013), NWMs, Summer Universities and so on. Currently, they have 158 members who meet regularly and they organise both fun and… Read more →

Autumn Network Meeting Zaragoza: Winds of change!

Due to the fact that NWM in Zaragoza took place only a few weeks after Agora Cagliari, it was mainly organised by former NetCom Carmen María and her team, although some members of the new team (Olga Rivero’s Tripulación) were also involved in the programme preparation and presentations. Another Network Meeting (NWM), another pleasant and different experience with the members… Read more →

Rubén Puras for NetCom: “There is a secret ingredient, motivation, that can move the world!”

The AEGEEan is currently meeting all the candidates for the different positions that will be elected at Autumn Agora Cagliari 2014. One of these motivated members is Rubén Puras, president of AEGEE-Burgos and coordinator of the upcoming European Planning Meeting in the Spanish city, who is now running also to become Network Commissioner! The AEGEEan asked him some questions in… Read more →

Marta Martínez Moro, AEGEE-Santander: “Motivating our members is the key”

Our Member of the Month award this past July went to Erika Bettin (AEGEE-Venezia), for her outstanding lead of publications such as the Key to Europe 2013/14 and The AEGEEan, and initiatives such as the Election Observation Project. However, there were other nominees in this past month that have done a great job and deserve their story featured in The… Read more →