>European Boards Meeting in Torino

>Yesterday (Monday), i have met with Wouter IJGosse, chairman of the AGORA&EBM, in Rotterdam, for the preparation and structuring of European Boards Meeting that will take place in Torino between 12-15 February 2009.

During our meeting, the programme and the sessions (Action Meetings, Round Table Discussions, Workshops) had been revised and we have discussed what we can add and develop, based on our experiences and the results of the surveys from the last years.

After having the base and developing the structure, we made sure that the process is going smoothly, with the fact that we started working on it in such an early notice.

We believe in creating the sense of belonging to our participants, thus we made sure that in every minute of EBM, the participants will feel involved and have their voices heard.

More information coming soon….