>SCANdanivia Advance Planning Visit


Between 19-22 February; Katrin, Miguel, Dragana and Percin were in Kopenhagen, for preparing the content and logistics of SCANdinavia event, a case study about sustainable lifestlyes, that will take place in Kopenhagen between 30 March- 5 April.

The first day, Miguel and Percin managed to get a nice conference hall and a nice hostel for the event. After this great success, they managed to gamble in the center of Kopenhagen, and lose considerable amount of money.

The second day, after Katrin’s arrival, they all went to the Library of Kopenhagen, sitting there for 5 hours and shaping the program, the content and the timetable.

The last day, after Miguel’s departure, Katrin and Percin went to the EU centre for media attention for the event, and to the City Hall to invite the Lord Mayor to give a speech.

After arranging logistics, content and the programme, now Dragana is following up the communication we established with partners, speakers and places we will be.

1 month left before the start of this nice event,