>Between young journalists


Last week from Wednesday afternoon till Friday evening I took part in the workshop for young journalists “New media. All interactive, all public”, which was organised by European Youth Press and European Parliament.
What did we do? A lot! :) Saw the press centre and EuroparlTV studio inside the EP, took part in the award ceremony of the European Parliament Prize for Journalism, created our own media stories and done some networking.

What did exactly I do?
– Prepared radio show (I was responsible for Vox Pop) together with five other young journalists and our facilitatior.
– Spread the information about AEGEE by distributing our latest publication “Key To Europe” and giving the presentation about AEGEE
– Made our cooperation with European Youth Press stronger once again
– Encouraged AEGEE-Brussels-Bruxelles to organise a social program for the participants and use it as a possibility to tell about AEGEE also in informal atmosphere :)
– Met some people who have heard about AEGEE already before, great!