>(Ab)Using Guests or New Furnitures


This story actually started already during Christmas, when I was all alone in the CD House and noticed, that the fridge is smelling… not very nice. In other words – it didn’t work.
To keep the long story short and skip all the steps we needed to go through the last two months to try to repair the old fridge, find out that it is not possible, order and finally get the new fridge, I will simply say – the story is over! After two months of suffering (and living without the big fridge) finally our new fridge arrived on Friday.
Ok, actually it was not all. In the evening when we wanted to start using the fridge there was an unexpected discovery. Instead of opening the doors on the left, they opened only… on the right!
Thanks to Dilyan, Clemens and Richard (guys from Mail Team), in a short amount of time it was fixed and finally we could move to the new fridge.
Help of those guys was needed two days later again, when Sorin decided that he finally wants his working desk in the office as well (as before we had only one desk for CD assistant, not two). Again it didn’t take a lot of time for the guys to put all the parts of the table together.
Adding the fact that Dilyan was making breakfast (read: baking pancakes) twice in the weekend for all the CD House, I can just conclude – nice to have such guests! Come back again!