Before sitting down to interview the most energetic CD candidate, Beáta, we thought quite hard about what to ask her. We’ve seen her programme, know from another interview what is in her fridge, but there was still something most of us didn’t know: what is her vision for the AEGEE network and what has kept her so motivated during her four years in the organisation? So this is what we have deciced to try and find out.

"We need to find our limits to challenge ourselves in order to develop AEGEE"
The AEGEEan: Let’s start with a difficult question. What is your vision for AEGEE?
Beáta: I see AEGEE as a strong network that can contribute not just to the personal and professional development of its members but also to the present and future of Europe. AEGEE gives us possibilities to learn about the world in many aspects, to learn from each other, and we should take this to a higher level. The process has just started and we need to reach as many people as we can through it. Many people say that AEGEE is a playground where you can try yourself, find your limits and learn a lot, but this cannot withhold us from taking our work seriously.
What will you do during your term in the CD to start working towards this vision?
I will work hard to implement my ideas, such as more intense cooperation between AEGEEans from all around Europe, and to organise trainings for our members, so these would be leading us in this direction. I know it is difficult, it needs contribution from all those leaders and members who are already in the association, but we need to find our limits, to challenge ourselves in order to develop AEGEE. I do believe that my programme contributes to this vision and also supports AEGEE to work on quality projects, as we will be able to provide the solid foundation, the skilled human resources and the strong locals for these projects.
In your candidature for the Network Commission a year ago, you voted for quality over quantity in terms of locals. Is this still the case?
I thought a lot about this question recently. During this one year I learned a lot, I was able to discover what the difference between these two sides means in real AEGEE life, and I found out that I would like to interconnect them in order to be successful. I will work on quality by raising a generation of AEGEE members with knowledge and skills and also on quantity, by strengthening the network in the underrepresented regions.

Beata has been a member of the Network Commission since Agora Alicante
What have you learned during your year in the Network Commission?
This year has given me a lot, I wouldn’t have thought in the very beginning how much I could still learn about AEGEE, not just in terms of structure, but also about the different motivations and attitudes that people in the organisation have. It was really interesting and I am very grateful for the chance to work in such a perfectly co-operating and multicultural commission as the NetCom. We gave a lot to each other; we were not just colleagues, but friends, supporting each other all the time.
Which European level bodies do you think are in most need of development?
I see the possibility of improvement for some of the Working Groups and Committees . It does not mean that they aren’t working properly at the moment. I am sure that their board members know the weaknesses and opportunities and work accordingly. But in order to achieve long term results, we need a lot of discussion and analysis, to understand each other’s standpoints and reach a consensus for the common direction of the European level bodies, as we are working together for the members and for each other. In other words: one for all, all for one!
How do you imagine your life in the CD for the next term, if you’re elected?
It will be amazing for sure! Every time I spend a few days or weeks with fellow AEGEEans at an event or even when we just visit each other, I always leave full of ideas and motivation. This environment, being surrounded by other AEGEE addicted people, is so inspiring that I am sure we would always be motivating each other.
As for the CD as a team, living and working together 24/7 for more than an entire year is challenging and needs more attention than a normal team or board would need. If we want to work together efficiently and smoothly, we need to give special care to unity and continuous team building, for which I would gladly support the fellow CD member responsible for this field.
What motivates you when working for AEGEE?
When I joined AEGEE, my motivation was slightly different than now, but as I became more involved in the organisation, I realised how much we can reach through and within AEGEE. Honestly, every thankful AEGEE member I meet, every aim we reach, and every smile gives me such an amazing motivation that it proves me I need to do this. When I heard who wanted to candidate for CD, I got extra motivation to apply, because I learned in my local board that with the synergy of a great team, we can achieve anything. I enjoy every moment in this association, I love helping people and, just to quote Churchill, I would like to make “this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone”.

NWM London, one of Beáta's greatest achievements in her AEGEE career
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
When it comes to AEGEE, my greatest achievements are definitely Agora Alicante, when I got elected as NetCommie, and the organisation of the Network Meeting in London. It definitely proved that with hard work, commitment and co-operation, you can reach everything you want, and it was also a perfect example of regional cooperation. This NWM was a challenge in every sense, but the fact that we managed to overcome the difficulties makes the whole period an even better memory and a great, motivating experience for my next steps in AEGEE.
Written by Zsófia Komáromi, AEGEE-Budapest