391 persons took the time and minutes to vote for 11 different awards. 11 different awards that were organised by The AEGEEan for “The AEGEEans’ choice awards“. Awards created to encourage creativity in AEGEE and honour persons who have taken part in making a difference during the year 2011. The votes have been counted, and The AEGEEan is delighted to announce the winners.
Cutest Mascot – Leoncio, AEGEE-León
Best dressed guy at EBM Izmir – Guillermo García Tarbarés, Comite Directeur
Best dressed girl at EBM Izmir – Maryana Semenyak, AEGEE-Lviv
Best party animal – Maryana, AEGEE-Lviv
Best event – Spring Agora Alicante
Most creative title – AeGeE of empires by AEGEE-Budapest & AEGEE-Brno
Best roll-call – AEGEE-Madrid
Best flag stealers – Pablo Ruiz & Sergio Cristobal, AEGEE-Zaragoza
Best merchandise – AEGEE-Zaragoza
Best Working Group – AEGEE-Academy
Best Project Team – Summer University Coordination Team
The AEGEEan would like to congratulate the winners on their achievement,
and there will be articles soon with reactions and the stories behind the different awards. Thank you for voting!