Tag Archive for SU

SU story of the week 10 Tips: How to Get Excited (Recipe from AEGEE-Tbilisi)

1. Keep calm and follow the ‘‘Rules’’! The key to fun and excitement is the discipline and the rules that are recognised and obeyed by everyone. Traveling Summer University “GandaGana” had its own codex of rules that were hung in the TSU house. To make them more memorable and enjoyable we styled them up in a classic “Keep Calm..” phrases… Read more →

SU Story of the week – Visa fun? The impossible made a reality with AEGEE-Paris

Let’s face it. Borders do exist, otherwise we would not be fighting so hard to bring them down. It is nice to know that some people continue fighting this battle even on their vacation. This year’s Parisian Summer University took place in cooperation with the Visa Freedom Working Group and broadened the horizons of all of their participants. The charm… Read more →

Do you think you can fly?

Five SUs you do not want to miss

Every year since 1987 groups of enthusiasts are trying to build the perfect program, to show their country, to attack foreigners, to make people experience incomparable emotions… and an unforgettable summer. It is not a matter of planning. It is much more about creativity and heart.  The AEGEEan editor Liliya Buyukliyska descripes the first SU she ever organised was like… Read more →

1000 days of summer

Explore. Dream. Discover. 1000 days of summer. These words are something that you have probably seen a lot during the last couple of months in the context of the Summer University Project. The Summer University Coordination Team of 2012 chose this as the motto for the Summer University (SU) 2012, this year’s edition. But you may ask why? To explore, according to… Read more →

My summer lesson

For sure, the biggest and the most successful project in the history of AEGEE is the Summer University Project (SU).  A project that best fits to our association aim for promoting co-operation, communication and integration amongst young people in Europe. A project that strives for unified Europe, cross boarder cooperation and tolerance. Is this what you have been thinking when… Read more →