Behind the Commissioners of the Juridical Commission and the Network Commission some AEGEE members make an unknown, but very relevant work: they are the SubCommissioners. The AEGEEan decided to talk with these people who, perhaps, might be the next Commissioners.

Natalia Ivleva
The SubCommies under Network Commissioner Kristina Reshetova (AEGEE-Moskva) are: Natalia Ivleva (AEGEE-Voronezh), Svetlana Merenkova (AEGEE-Voronezh), Anna Ermakova (AEGEE-Moskva), Elena Efremova (AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu) and Sergey Peshkov (AEGEE-Voronezh).
Natalia was Secretary of AEGEE-Voronezh for two years. Later she joined Vira Kaknych’s (AEGEE-Lviv) SubCommie team and became a member of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee. At Agora Patra (2014) she was elected to the NetCom team. Currently, she is a member of the Youth Mobility Working Group and on the advisory board of AEGEE-Voronezh.

Svetlana Merenkova
Svetlana is currently the President of AEGEE-Voronezh. Before that she was HR for one year, and the main coordinator of the SU in Voronezh in 2015. She has been a SubCommissioner under Tereza Tokmaiyan (AEGEE-Yerevan) as Network Commissioner. Svetlana tells us that she has attended three SUs as a participant and two SUs as an organiser. She has also attended two Agorae as delegate and one as a visitor.

Elena Efremova
Elena has been in AEGEE since January 2015, and, like Svetlana, has been a SubCommissioner under Tereza until last February. She is currently a board member of AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu as the Incoming responsible and Twin Coordinator. She is also the Summer University Coordination Team supporter in VKontakte, a social network site that is especially popular among Russian-speaking users, as a PR and content manager. Moreover, she has been the ambassador for AEGEEday. During her time in AEGEE, she has attended one European Planning Meeting (EPM), one Agora, two Network Meetings and many other events. She has been an organiser of Summer Universities in Rostov-na-Donu, Regional Training Courses and Local Training Courses. Elena told us that working as a SubCommissioner gives you the possibility to make something for locals in your network and it is a good opportunity for you to grow as a person and get new experience.

Sergey Peshkov
Sergey has been a board member of AEGEE-Voronezh since 2015, and, last Summer, he also helped organise AEGEE-Voronezh’s SU. Sergey, also says that being a SubCommie of the Network Commission is a great opportunity for self-improvement and a great way to know about the Network in details.
For all these guys motivation and responsibility are the main requirements you need to have to cover an European position. Some NetCom SubCommissioners, like Elena, are already thinking about running for Network Commissioner at Spring Agora Enschede.
This article is part of a series of articles about the Subcommies of AEGEE. Check out our first article in the series, by clicking here. Or check our our second or third article in the series by clicking here or here respectively.
Written by Matteo Lai, AEGEE-Cagliari