Today we introduce you Oğuzhan Ayhan, one of the two candidates for Audit Commission. He has already experience with Audit Commission, as he is currently a subcommissioner, but he is also prepared in treasury and fundraising. Here are few questions for him.

Oğuzhan Ayhan, AEGEE-Ankara: Hello, I am Oğuzhan Ayhan from AEGEE-Ankara. I am 23 years old, studying Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at Middle East Technical University. I have worked in many student organisations at my university as treasurer and fundraiser. I am a music enthusiast, I think life has no meaning without music and to make my life more meaningful I am playing guitar in a metal cover band. I think I m a geek, I can talk for hours about DC and Marvel characters, comic books, movies.
What is your AEGEE Experience?
I have been a member for almost two years. During this time I have been an active member in my antenna. I was the main organiser of 2016 Autumn NWM-Ankara, treasurer of Living Library project and now I am the content manager of SU organised by AEGEE-Ankara and also I am the HR Coordinator of my local. Besides from the local level, I am in the sub-commissioner team of Audit Commission and content team member in DrinkWise Project Group. I have participated one EPM and one Agora so far.
How was your experience as SubComissioner for Audit Commission?
First of all, I learned how to audit locals basically. There is a really good communication between the subcommissioner team and I think all of us did a quite good job. The number of collected reports have increased compared to last years. Secondly, during my subcommissioner term I have observed that there were a lot of misunderstandings about the reports; they were either not consistent with previous records or not filled properly.
What are your plans if you get elected?
My plans are mostly based on increasing the knowledge about finances and improving the communication between locals and Audit Commission. Knowledge transfer is really important as I saw during my subcommissioner term, treasurers had difficulties in filling the form.
According to your programme, you want to improve the communication between locals and Audit Commission, can you tell us something more about that?

By improving the communication, I am hoping to increase the quality of the reports. We do not want reports that are just filled and sent. We want them with good and precise data about finances of the locals. To do this, we can maybe give some online trainings via skype calls to locals’ treasurers or video lectures about how to fill them. Also being in contact with the other bodies and checking the data provided, we can make it even better.
Why should we vote for Oğuzhan for Audit Commission?
The most important part of this position is being hard working and committed because there is a lot of responsibility and after some point, the theoretical knowledge you have might not be enough. I believe with the experience that I had in past projects and my dedication I can fulfill all of your expectations and do my best.
You can read here his full candidature.
Written by Paola Letizia Murru, AEGEE-Cagliari