Working Groups

Europe Goes On Stage

Theatre, to some a hobby and to others a lifestyle choice, is becoming more integrated in AEGEE. For years, AEGEE-Nijmegen was the only local with an active theatre committee, but, recently, there was an idea for more locals are following suit. The Culture Interest Group decided to go one step further, and have announced plans for a pan-European theatre project; Europe… Read more →

Youth Mobility Working Group: the Kings of Facilitating Travel

Mobility, especially youth mobility, is critical for members of AEGEE due to its many events all over Europe. It therefore comes as no surprise that there is something like the Youth Mobility Working Group (YMWG). What is surprising is that the main task of this working group is often not facilitating mobility, but raising awareness about the possibilities of youth… Read more →

Kristóf Papp, YEWG Coordinator: “We Are Going to Organise a Conference on Youth Employment with the Contribution of Different Related Actors”

One of the four points of Strategic plan 2014-2017 is the Youth Employment, and with the Working Group reform passed during Spring Agora Asturias 2015, there is a specific body dealing with it: the Youth Employment Working Group. The group right now consists of five active members and several supporters, the first generation of working groups. We talked with Kristóf Papp,… Read more →