Tag Archive for Comite Directeur

Bartosz Sudorowski for Comité Directeur: “We have to spend time with the people from the Network”

Bartosz Sudorowski, or Bartek, has been a member of AEGEE-Zielona Góra since february 2010 and is very active on a local level ever since. At Autumn Agora Budapest he was elected Network Commissioner and now he aims to be the new Network Director of AEGEE-Europe. Let’s discover more about him. The AEGEEan: Can you tell a little bit more about… Read more →

Aleksandra Kluczka for Comité Directeur: “I want to devote my next year to contribute to AEGEE to the highest possible extent”

Aleksandra Kluczka, but you can also call her Ola, is a 23 years old member of AEGEE-Kraków. She is currently CD assistant, content manager of the Y vote 2014 project and member of the pool of representatives of AEGEE-Europe. She studied International Trades and International Relations and she has been a member of AEGEE-Kraków since october 2009, covering the position… Read more →

Mayri Tiido wants to be the new Projects Director

During the Agora in Patra there will be elections held for not only new Network Commission and Juridical Commission member, but also for members of the Comité Directeur and the more specific functions of Financial Director, President and Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe. Mayri Tiido from AEGEE-Tartu decided to apply for the function of member of the Comité Directeur, where she… Read more →

Power to men: Matthijs Overhaal wants to be the next Secretary General

During the Agora in Patra there will be elections held for not only new Network Commission and Juridical Commission members, but also for the members of the Comité Directeur and the more specific functions of Financial Director, President and Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe. Matthijs Overhaal from AEGEE-Tartu decided to apply for this last function, which means that if he gets… Read more →

The Stories Behind the The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards Best Video Nominees

Two Summer Universities, two New Years Event and one Youth Rights video are amongst the nominees for The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards “Best Video” category. The AEGEEan interviewed three of the nominees about the process of creating the movies and discovered how a precious AEGEE flag was almost destroyed in the process. The AEGEEan talked with Ksenia Lupanova about the nominated… Read more →

Introducing the Pool of Representatives of AEGEE-Europe

For the first time in AEGEE history, the Pool of Representatives (PoR) that can speak on behalf of the Comité Directeur and represent AEGEE externally has been created. The PoR consists of 17 AEGEE members who share motivation, significant experience and sufficient knowledge about the organisation to be capable of giving a proper image of AEGEE towards various external stakeholders. As… Read more →

CD Telegram September 2013

September is always a busy month in Brussels, with the restart of the Eurobubble activities and also plenty of initiatives starting in our network. Moreover, this year we have had, as an extra, the Planning Meeting in Genova and the first of the Y Vote 2014 conventions, plus a European-wide campaign for youth rights, amonth many other things. Get a… Read more →