Changing up the things in the Audit Commission

It is not so long time since the crazy love for numbers brought two ladies to the Audit Commission (AC). Now one of them,  Anna Gots is the new Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe and Esperanza Rodriguez Medina keeeps leading the AC train as President for the third term in a row,  since Agora Enschede also accompanied by Carsten Zwaaneveld. The AEGEEan caught up with the two of them to hear about their work and the preperations for Agora Budapest.

AEGEEan: We are half-way through your term as Audit Commission (since Agora Enschede). How has it gone so far?

It has been a very busy spring term. Usually during this part of the year there is not so much work, since most of the Financial Reports from locals are collected. So basically the work is based on the planning of further steps and improvements of things, help to the Summer University Coordination Team for the Summer University Financial Report plus the Audit meeting in the Comité Directeur (CD) House (which means auditing AEGEE-Europe). However, this term has been busier. First of all, this is the case because we conducted a full audit of one antenna under request. Second, because as we committed during Agora, we have been auditing Elena Antova’s work from home, which has involved a lot of communication with her and other CD members.

What have you been working on?

Apart from all the above mentioned, we have been discussing many things: different proposals to present at the Agora, some practical issues regarding AEGEE-Europe finances, improvements for the next Financial Report form, ideas on how to create a specific training for treasurers. We are basically focused on improving the financial management of the antenna. Furthermore, we have been trying to collect the missing Financial Reports. We have also been in touch with the Network Commission in order to find some common solutions, and we are still trying to find a logo, which has turned out to be harder than expected!

We have seen that you have been issuing open-calls for the AC job shadowers. Have you managed to get some motivated AEGEEans to join your term?

Yes, definitely! We were a bit worried, because one day before the deadline we only had two applications, but as usual, the day of the deadline many more applied! It was quite hard to choose, because the applications were of very high quality, but we had only three positions for this term (last term we had five because the task was to help checking almost 180 Financial Reports from locals).
We have chosen Michele Minuti (AEGEE-Brescia) once again, Francesc Amat Guasch (AEGEE-Tarragona) and Tina Pance (AEGEE-Ljubljana). Michele will be attending the audit meeting in Brussels, the others unfortunately can’t come, but they will also assist us on the audit from home and will participate in the discussions that will happen from now on.

The places for candidates are opening soon for the Audit Commission. Are any of you considering to run once again for the AC? 

Esperanza: After a year and a half in the Audit Commission, I feel that I could still keep improving things and take new challenges, so I wouldn’t mind to suggest my candidature once again! I really enjoy it!  However, I got a grant to work in the Spanish embassy of Miami for 15 months, so it will be almost impossible to keep doing the job. Unless the next CD fundraise so much to give reimbursements for traveling from the USA!  So I won’t run for Audit Commission again, but I hope that next AC will count on me if they need help, they have doubts, etc.

Carsten Zwaaneveld: When we arrive in Budapest my term will have lasted for just shorter than half a year; since this is quite short it would be logical to stand as candidate for this position again and have another year of being active in the Audit Commission. However, I might have finished my Master after that year, and not even be a student anymore. So I’m still in serious doubt, because I started to try to change culture regarding finances and transparency within AEGEE this term, and would like to finish that job.

If you were to encourage AEGEE members to run for AC, what would you say? Why is it worth it?

Being in the AC means getting really involved in AEGEE; you learn a lot about both AEGEE-Europe and locals. Also you feel that you can really help to improve the transparency and quality of AEGEE by improving the quality of finances. It gives you the possibility to work in a team and in communication with many people, since we are in touch with many European level bodies of AEGEE (CD, Mediation Commission, Network Commission, Juridical Commission, Chair Team etc.) and with locals. And of course, during the Agora we have an active role.
Furthermore, you get the chance to spend a weekend at the office of the CD House and after hours of checking bills… we also have fun!

 It looks like there are some changes to happen in the Audit Commission, so if you are good with numbers, would like to learn about AEGEE-Europe, Network and more, then maybe it could be an idea to candidate for the Audit Commission.The candidatures for the Audit Commission are still open, what are you waiting for?

 Written by Patricia Anthony, AEGEE-København

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