
“I cannot move mountains, but I will do my best” ~ Teodora Panuș

The Juridical Commission (JC) will have a new Commissioner after being elected at Spring Agora 2020, which this year will take place fully online, because of the coronavirus crisis. One of the candidates for that position is Teodora Panuș, member of AEGEE-Chișinău since 2018 and Sub-commissioner of the JC since November 2019 and Sub-Commissioner of the Audit Commission since February… Read more →

“I’ve learned to keep an eye on the big picture and not to be overwhelmed by the daily tasks” ~ Marlijn Mulder, candidate for the Mediation Commission.

Conflict is part of our human nature. Since the very first moment our species decided to be a social one, having disagreements was something we signed up for. AEGEE, when decided to start being, signed for it too. And that is because its definition of a “democratic, diverse and borderless Europe”; well, it’s easier said than done. AEGEE integrates people… Read more →

“My flagship measure would be increasing our Commission’s visibility and raising the interest of fellow AEGEEans in our work and finances in general” ~ Kosta Vukašinović, Candidate for the Audit Commission

The Audit Commission will have a new Commissioner after being elected at Spring Agora 2020, which will take place online this year because of the coronavirus crisis. One of the candidates for that position is Kosta Vukašinović, member of AEGEE-Niš since late 2018 and Subcommissioner of the Audit Commission since February 2020. We interviewed him about his programme and objectives… Read more →

“I want to make sure that the Audit Commission is always represented during fairs, even online ones” ~ Thomas Meekel, Candidate for the Audit Commission

The Audit Commission will have a new Commissioner after being elected at Spring Agora 2020, which will take place online this year because of the coronavirus crisis. One of the candidates for that position is Thomas Meekel, member of AEGEE-Leiden since 2015, Subcommissioner of the Audit Commission since 2020, Subcommissioner of the Network Commission during the period 2018-19 and non-formal… Read more →